A Mightier God

A Mightier God

A Rock Me Thunder Book !

Bee Suzuki

Ce livre en anglais est disponible jusqu'au 25 avril sur Amazon en exclusivité Kindle Select. Après cette date il sera disponible sur Iggy Book où sa version française, Un Dieu Tout Puissant sera disponible fin février 2016..

Resumé : "I had been beaten, tortured, threatened, I'd lost my friend Patti, I'd lost all illusions about the man I had been looking up to since I was five, and I wouldn't make a cent out of it if I didn't start a book on this affair.

Because, whether I wrote about it or not, this scandal would go down in history. The shock wave would hit millions of fans, and the tabloids would feed off it for months..."

Sometimes, it is better to let the past die. But, for Azahel Brun, a young journalist whose middle name is Curiosity, the past is a very tempting place to go back to.

Born in New York then raised in L.A, she never really knew who her father was and had no idea that she held the key to a priceless treasure. Left alone after her mother, Isabelle, a famous Rock celeb photographer, died with the whole Lizzie Byrne Band in a mysterious and now famous plane crash, Azahel has left behind her the eccentric world of Rock 'n' Roll and show business she was born into.

Now living and working in Paris as a press correspondant, little does she know that she is being carefully watched. One day, strange spam messages start appearing on her screen. Answering these dangerous solicitations will transform her whole life forever. A boyfriend, old friends, new faces, everybody seems to wear a mask. What are they all after ?

Azahel, who is a genuine and witty rock child, will have to use all the detective skills she has acquired to confront her enemies, save her life and that of her best friend, Rock icon Telly Jones, and find out what she has always been looking for.

This ebook can be exclusively purchased on Amazon Kindle select until 2016, April 20, then will be released on every other book platforms .

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Genre : Policier et Suspense Langue : anglais
Sous-genre : Psychologique Sortie : 5 février 2016

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Bee Suzuki

Née en 1963 à Paris, journaliste, romancière, conceptrice multimédia, Bee Suzuki écrit en langues française et anglaise. Après avoir étudié en France et à Taïwan l’histoire de l’art, le chinois classique et la conception multimédia, elle travaille pour l'édition et la presse française. Elle est l'auteur du thriller "A Mightier God", premier d'une série d'enquêtes avec le personnage d'Azahel Brun, traduit en français sous le titre "Un Dieu Tout-Puissant "et de "La Folle Histoire d'Ann Wong".

Dans le roman "Dites Que Je Suis Magicien", elle décrit un monde à la marge qu’elle connait de l’intérieur pour avoir grandi dans son folklore haut en couleurs. Ce roman, traduit en version anglaise sera publié en 2017.  On trouve ses ebooks sur Amazon, Apple, Fnac et de nombreuses plateformes. Elle réside généralement à Paris. 

Sylvie Bee Suzuki was born in Paris. She is a writer, game developer, journalist and photo director. She has worked for various magazines.

 She studied Mandarin Chinese at the MTC in Taipei Universtity,Taiwan, also in the INALCO University in Paris as well as History of Art at Ecole du Louvre, Paris, France. Further education includes Multimedia Conception at the Superior School of Audiovisual Realization, ESRA Paris.

 Published works : Bee Suzuki writes in both English and French. "A Mightier God" is the first novel of a series involving the Azahel Brun character. It can be found in French under the title " Un Dieu Tout-Puissant" In 2016, her family novel "Dites que je suis magicien", based on the "wise guys" colorful universe she was raised into, was put online via Amazon, Apple, Fnac and various platforms, and will be released in English in 2017. 

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